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Zing's Changelog
New updates and improvements to Zing
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10 July 2023

Multiple data sources

Zing now supports more data sources than just payroll providers. You can access financial data of your users from their payroll platforms, bank accounts, wallets, investment apps and even crypto accounts. We're working on adding providers for all data sources starting with bank accounts and payroll.

New providers


Workpay is a popular payroll platform that allows businesses in Africa pay their employees. Your users can seamlessly share access to their income and emp

25 February 2023

We've added a Changelog to the Console. With this, you'll be able to easily keep track of all the changes we have made to our product over time.

The Changelog will help you stay up to date with the latest updates we have made to Zing. It will provide a detailed overview of every change that has been implemented, including bug fixes, new features, and other improvements. You can view changes in chronological order and easily find out what has been added or changed recently. Additionally,